Grantee Support
The Trust is interested in learning through its grantees’ successes as well as their challenges. All grantees of the May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust are required to submit a report that confirms funds granted were used for the intended purpose and describes the work of the organization and programs that the grant supported. Specific reporting guidelines are included with grant award letters and subsequent payment transmittal letters from the Trust, and are also outlined in the online grants portal.
Please note that the Trust will not consider any further grant applications from an organization unless a final report on the prior grant is received and approved.
Please complete your report through the Trust’s online grants portal no later than the date specified in the grant transmittal letter and listed in your reporting guidelines.
If you cannot locate your reporting guidelines and need another copy, or need to confirm a report deadline for an active grant, please contact
To complete your online report:
- Click on the My Account link at the top of this page to access the online grants portal, and log in with your existing username and password
- If you are a new staff member at a grantee organization, and/or you do not have log in credentials to the Trust’s grants portal, click here to register for access.