Since 1989, the May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust has funded efforts to help individuals achieve dignity, agency, and self-sufficiency. Today, the Trust's grantmaking supports:
About the Trust
In all of its grantmaking, the Trust is interested in supporting organizations that promote the dignity, agency, and self-sufficiency of individuals within its focus populations.
Generous and unassuming in their personal giving, the Smiths were an extremely private couple who preferred staying out of the spotlight and actively discouraged public recognition and attention.
Today, the trustees of the Smith foundations honor and sustain the values evident in the Smiths’ lives and personal philanthropy, including humility and a belief in the dignity and potential of every individual.

“A man who succeeds in world commerce as I have is no fool and above all he pretty soon learns that his wealth is something lent to him during his life; he can’t take it with him! It’s no virtue then to give it away.”
Welcome Grantseekers
The Trust is interested in receiving inquires from eligible, strongly-aligned organizations working to support the Trust's focus populations.
Find Out HowWelcome Current Grantees
The Trust is honored to support the work of its grantees, and is interested in learning through its grantees’ successes as well as their challenges.
See Grantee Support